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Closing the Deal

Estimated Closing Statement

You should request an estimated closing statement as soon as possible. This approximation should give a rough idea about the amount of money you may need to spend on your next home.

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Final Closing Statement

From an accounting standpoint, however, the most precious piece of paper is the final closing statement. It records all the money related to your transaction either as credits or debits.

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Possession Options

The date the buyers actually take possession of your house and move into it depends on the terms of your contract. This covers your options as well as recommends the least risky approach to handing over your house.

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Final Inspections and Risks

If you vacate your house prior to the close, you should not to let buyers start fixing the house up before closing. This explains final verification of condition and why to be possessive about your house until the transaction is complete.

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Seller's Remorse

Seller's remorse is a stupendously strong conviction on your part that you're about to sell your house for less than it's really worth. When you're in the cruel grip of seller's remorse, facts take a back seat to perceptions.

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