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Windows, Doors and Insulation

Saving Energy with Insulation

If your home is 20 years old, or older, you may need to perform a little maintenance on your insulation. 60 percent of heat is lost through the ceiling, while walls account for about 20 to 30 percent of the heat loss. Properly maintained insulation can significantly reduce this heat loss.

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Windows and Screens

As beautiful as they are, windows aren't as energy efficient as insulated walls. Here are a few maintenance suggestions to make them more energy efficient, add longevity to their existence, and make them easier to operate.

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Doors and Hardware

An exterior door may be more energy efficient than a window, but a door can leak just as much water and air. As the moisture content changes in soil, your home shifts. Your doors also shift, creating gaps large enough for plenty of air to pass through.

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